I've already told you about my native town... It really has mystery and beauty and a medieval, "Da Vinci Code" kind of scenery...
This is a 8 x 12 inches, acrylics on watercolor paper (Arches, I think... I cover it pretty well, I cannot tell which kind...) and if you like it, give me an email...
Wow, asta-i frumoasa de nu se poate.vreau la Sibiu.Imi trezesti nostalgii violete.Violetul e culoarea de dincolo de culoare stiai? Umbra copacului imi place,si zidul.Adica ce bat capul,imi place tot tabloul.O sa ma intrebi unde-am vazut eu violet.Am vazut violet desi nu-i violet.Pictura are ceva care la mine trece in violet.sper sa n-ai nimic impotriva.Sau poti sa ai.Vi-o-let.asta-i una din picturile violete.
I've never visited Sibiu, but this is one of your paintings from "home" that makes me want to visit there! It also has, imo, elements reminiscent of a Chagall piece although without the birds and other symbolism... Extraordinary mix of colors too, evokes elements of medieval mystery, as you said...
Comme with me next year, D! I'll show you personally the best... I hope to go next year, after 4 years... My father is going to have 80... I certainly will take a lot of pictures, maybe do some pieces on the spot...
I was born with another name...not worse than any other, only more difficult to pronounce... So, when, in April 2002, I've become a full time visual artist, I've chose to re-name myself as Ion Vincent Danu. Ion, that's my middle name, my father's name also... short, not bad (since GM "Saturn" chose it too...), Vincent is an homage to Vincent Van Gogh and DANU because, apart from being my nickname (some of my family used to call me that, it's a diminutive for "Dan") but also it's a kind of YANG-YIN thing, it means, in Romanian, YES-NO. And it sounds good, I think... Japanese painters
did rename themselves each time they thought they entered a new creative phase... not a bad thing to do.
Wow, asta-i frumoasa de nu se poate.vreau la Sibiu.Imi trezesti nostalgii violete.Violetul e culoarea de dincolo de culoare stiai? Umbra copacului imi place,si zidul.Adica ce bat capul,imi place tot tabloul.O sa ma intrebi unde-am vazut eu violet.Am vazut violet desi nu-i violet.Pictura are ceva care la mine trece in violet.sper sa n-ai nimic impotriva.Sau poti sa ai.Vi-o-let.asta-i una din picturile violete.
Ai dreptate (hana?), e ceva violet in tablouasul acesta, pe care l-am pictat si repictat pana a ajuns la "patina" asta...
Sibiul hipnotic! Violentul e violent de adecvat "capitalei cortorare ioropene".
Hai mai Ovidiu... de ce vrei tu sa distrugi iluziile unui sibian de bastina, care moare de dor si, pana-i departe, îsi idealizeaza un pic, orasul?
Un alt sibian
I've never visited Sibiu, but this is one of your paintings from "home" that makes me want to visit there! It also has, imo, elements reminiscent of a Chagall piece although without the birds and other symbolism... Extraordinary mix of colors too, evokes elements of medieval mystery, as you said...
Comme with me next year, D! I'll show you personally the best... I hope to go next year, after 4 years... My father is going to have 80... I certainly will take a lot of pictures, maybe do some pieces on the spot...
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