Saturday, September 15, 2007

The wolf is coming...

Autumn is in the air... Yesterday started raining and there are plenty of earth and vegetal fragrances... It gives me the creeps (but not in a totally unpleasant way...) So, I've imagined I'm a white horse on a full moon night...

This is a 9" x 12" acrylic on cardboard High Art. Email me if interested.

Note 20 of September 2007: Sold. Replica could be comissioned.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Beautiful weather for portraits...

There is a close connection between the weather and my portraits: since I work them in the parks of the city I depend on beautiful weather to get models... these days the weather is quite fine, here, in Sherbrooke, almost summertime...

This is one portrait I'm proud of. I don't know exactly why, but I like it.

9" x 12" watercolor and some acrylic ink on Strathmore 300 g/140 lbs. watercolor paper.
I'll keep this one for my personal collection...

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Rodrigue, the Cid

Another portrait - this time a bit older (the watercolor as well as the model) of a Sherbrooke inhabitant. An ex-professor at the University, it seems, a very picturesque figure I intitled "Rodrigue, the Cid" in honor of Charlton Heston's movie "The Cid" because the whole portrait had something, let say, "heroic"... Maybe more of a Don Quixotte but still nice...

9" x 12" acrylic ink & watercolor on Fabriano 300 g watercolor paper. Email me if you like this very, very much...


That's one of the things I did last summer - in fact, a few days ago...

As usual, a 9" x 12" acrylic & watercolor on Strathmore acid free paper (300 g) and, also as usual, if interested, give me an email... I promise not to skin you alive...

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I know it's very hard to paint Irises after Van Gogh, but, hey! I did my best...

This is a 9" x 12" acrylics and Watercolor on Strathmore acid free 300 g paper. If interested email me...

Note: Sorry, folks! Sold. The lady who bought this said she liked it more than the Van Gogh's Irises (another reason was that it wasn't THAT expensive, but shhh! that's a secret...)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


A portrait sketch were I've try to render especially the magic blue eyes...

This is, as usual, a 9" x 12" acrylic ink & watercolor, on Fabriano 300 g acid free paper and if interested write me...

Monday, September 10, 2007

Just a sketch

I hope nobody will consider me mean... I'm not, usually... and I'm a large person, too...

OK, maybe not as large... Still, I got eyes and they are more cruel than myself. I'm kind of dangerous with a brush in my hand...

This is a 9" x 12 " watercolor sketch on Arches 300 g paper. If somebody is interested I'll sell for US$ 60...

Sunday, September 9, 2007


Poetic name, interesting face! Another of my "in the park portrait"... I spend on it probably between 35 and 45 minutes (maybe less... sometimes it depends on the time the "model" has).In a good day, I can make between 5 - 7-8 portraits... 2-3 are usually quite good, some reasonable good and one or two bad straight out...
This one is a 9" x 12" (I'm using pretty much the same format; some day, I hope, I'll be able to paint big, big canvases...) and, as usual, an acrylic ink & watercolor on Fabriano 300 g watercolor paper. Contact me if you like it so much as to spend some money on it...