I wish it was the English "Ascot"... I always liked the horses (I'll prove it to you later...) and I'm simply a great fan of Dick Francis (with or without his wife Mary....) But this is the Quebec Ascot, where I live, in the great "cité des rivières" which is Sherbrooke.... A lot of picturesque landscapes, I tell you... and not far away from the US border (about 30 minutes) Vermont, Maine, New Hamshire... This is a 9 x 12 inches acrylics on canvas; contact me if intererested...
Great stuff! I'm amased how you succeded the color perspective... and the texture is very spontaneous and plaisant... E grozav, man! ma bucur foarte mult pentru tine, ca ai ajuns sa pictezi asa de bine. sper ca se si vinde...
Don't you think you are too much Van gogh "inspired"? Where is the originality in all this? Ok, it looks nice, it's colorful, but then what? It's just commercial stuff...
Thanks, Mitica! I appreciate your appreciation...
And no, I don't think I,m so much Van Gogh inspired... I love the man but I don't copy and don't imitate him...
As for "commercial stuff", I wish! No harm in making a buck with something so difficult to market as good (well, I hope it's good) painting...
It may be too commercial or deja-vu, but it is a nice combination of colours, and of natural and human-created shapes. How did those cilinders get there? and what are they?
Well, Dan, those cilinders are the way they pack haye ? - paiele - here, in Quebec. and I saw the same manner of packing in US... I may exaggerate in color but, in "normal" landscapes, I do not take big liberties...
If you want to see what I did with a sibiu landscape, go to : http://iondanu.wordpress.com/ It's pretty wild...I think...
Fain peisagiu (desi mi se pare cam ciudata metoda de a stringe finul in suluri - numai ca asta nu mai e treaba peisagisticului).
O maniera destul de... violenta de a trata un tablou. (afirmatie ce trebuie tratata cu rezervele de rigoare, fiindca recunosc ca sunt un agiamiu in materie de arta "moderna si contimporana").
Desigur, nu poti ramine indiferent in fata unui asemenea peisaj.
peisajul e superb, metoda de-a stringe finul e ciudata.N-am vazut niciodata asa ceva dar nu ma lua de functie in materie.Singura data cind am vazut mai mult fin la un loc a fost o faza absolut incomod erotica.L-as pune-n dormitr.tabloul asta,nu finul.
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