I cannot say if the nude is, thematically, my main subject... I don't think so. But I certainly paint a lot of nudes... and still have a lot to paint, I hope.Usually, it happens like this: almost every Saturday, I go to the University of Sherbrooke (where I did study myself) and draw with another 20-25 people after a live nude (usually beutiful)... A "nude session" takes 3 hours of hard work (exhausting!). I do about 12-15 drawings a session, working with acrylic ink and, usually, a pen or a fine brush. At home, I study the drawings, I choose the best (not more than 5-6) and work some more hours on them, using watercolor or/and acrylic ink, pastels or acrylics. Some of the resulting nudes are good, spontaneous stuff, ready to enchant some rich (or even modest, but refined) collector...
This is a 12 x 9 inches acrylic ink & watercolor on Strathmore watercolor paper (always acid free) and anyone with US$ 200 can have it (plus the s/h).
Iuhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu,sper c-am ajuns cum trebuie si unde trebuie dupa toate peripetiile astea.Picturile-s frumoase ca de obicei Danule, o sa le iau pe fiecare-n parte la avzut nu la criticat,nu ma pricep la asta,nu pot sa-ti zic frumos sau urit.si astea doo-s in ochiul privitorului.asta-i frumoasa.
tre sa ma dau de anonimus ca asta iar nu-mi trimite mesajul si ma dau cu capul de zid.
Daca alegi optziunea "other", hanny, cred ca te lasa sa spui cine esti... dar oricum, îtzi recunosc stilul...merci, anyway...
An excellent nude, congrats! It's austere and yet rich, sinthetic and yet very spontaneous, the colors are exactly those needed... Excellent. I'm an artist myself - and not a bad one - but I have to say your technique is better than mine...
Nikos Iordakis, Crete
You are excessively kind, Nikos (just like Kazanzakis, eh?)
Glad you liked it...
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