I always liked to paint food... being a bit of a Gargantua myself (or Falstaff?)...
Like the old Dutch artists (but not so good, yet...) I adore to represent things you can drink or stuff in your mouth... Here I tried to make something decorative from some cantaloups and oignons...
This is a small painting, about 7 x 10 inches, acrylics an paper. Could be your for Ca$ 45 (plus a few $ more for shiping and handling)
Nice harmony in yellow and mauve! very decorative indeed!
I have a soft spot for violet & yellow, even if these are general terms... In fact, the most beautiful harmony (I did not yey succed to put it on canvas) could be obtain with violet de cobalt (cobalt mauve?) and yellow ocher, with some white in it... Still searching for that one...
De ce cpombinatia de cantalup cu ceapa danule? cantalupul se potriveste cu ardei iute.poate si cua rdei rosu.Sa zicem, cantalup cu ardei rosu si ceapa verde.Glumesc.
J'aime beaucoup la composition tres structuree du tableau, bien evidente dans le frange d'en haut et d'en bas et plus subtile dans la partie mediane.
Et j'aime bien le coloris au gout oriental.
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