I went on a fishing trip, with 2 friends, in the Northern Québec (far enough to be in the "tundra"); we kind of shivered the nights but the days were superb, almost summer... lots of lacs, fire-treas, rocks and not a soul other than us...
I didn't catch a fish but I took a lot of pictures and I painted some watercolors... This is one of them. I kind of like it... something of the scrawny fire-trees (les "epinettes noirs") resilience is, maybe, in the image...
As usual, it's a 9 x 12 inches acrylic ink and watercolor, on Fabriano 300 g paper, US $ 250 to please you...Note, the 06 of Sept. 07: SOLD.
A part le rose violacé d'en bas, je reconnais bien le paysage... c'est comme ça que les epinettes noirs sont, dans le Nord... Il y a aussi quelques chose de naif, d'ingenu dans cette belle aquarelle, très plaisante. Félicitations!
Engènie Tremblay-Bronson
Ca atmosfera, peisagiul imi aduce aminte de hoinarelile (solo sau impreuna cu prietenii) de pe Magura Cisnadioarei...
ovidiu cel... Medrea
Très content que tu reconnais le paysage, tout de même, Eugènie. merci de ta visite.
Da, Ovidiu, îmi amintesc si eu - cu nostalgie - preregrinarile noastre pe dealurile cisnadioarei/Cisnadiei... Doar ca brazii de aici au aspectul asta fantomatic fiindca sunt adaptatzi la frigul polar si la vanturile puternice... e tundra, aproape siberia... sincer sa fiu, nu mi-ar place sa fiu iarna pe aici (povestirile lui London sunt blah-blah pe langa ce-ai patzi cu adevarat, pe aici)
mai vb.
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