Sometimes, playing with the materials gives surprisingly good results. Not often, but it happens...
In this "Apocalyptical landscape" I've played with different inks (acrylic and non-acrylic) and some acrylic paste... I could not do exactly the same thing EVER, so this is an unique, original piece...
About 10 x 14 inches, mixte techniques on High Art cardboard and CA$ 350.
Dane, "dupa lupte seculare", reusesc, in sfirsit sa intru pe blogul tau si sa-mi plasez comentariul. A meritat efortul. Desi cunosteam o parte a lucrarilor tale, nu ma pot abtine sa le revad. Si, desigur, sa le astept pe cele "noui"... Poate culoarea e prea cruda pt. un anacronic ca mine, poate unele desene sunt prea vehemente, dar sunt de remarcat perseverentza si efortul tau de a cauta alte si alte forme de a te regasi in Lumea Noua. Suces!
"Dintre sute de peisaje, care bintuie reteaua, cite oare le vor sterge, vinturile, neaua..."
un "poiet" dintre aceia care bantuie o limba. limba romina
Draga Ovidiu, ma bucur ca ai reusit sa gasesti drumul spre comentarii... de acum nu vor mai fi, sper, probleme, si sper sa ma vizitezi cât îzti va permite vremea (si cheful) de des... cum eu voi posta destul de des (poate chiar daily, cum se cere la cei de care-tzi spuneam) vei avea de vazut sau revazut multe...
Nu stiu cine-i "anonymous" dar e evident ca putzine - sau nici unul - dintre peisajele care circula vor ramâne... totul este zadarnicie si goana dupa vânt... dar, între timp, trebuie sa facem ceva, nu? si mai bine peisaje (pictura în general) decât razboi sau crime, nu?
I liked this one - for me it's not only about playing with new materials, it's also about letting your imagination run free to a larger extent than usual. Please try to explore more in this direction. Reflecting the outer world is fun, creating new worlds is even more fun.
Thanks, Dan! I certainly try to do my best and your words have a very familiar sound to my ears! Paul Klee, an artist for whom I have tremendous respect said something which is also expressed by you in your last phrase 9with a remarcable effectiveness). In fact, here is his exact words in his book, "Theory of modern art" :
"... this diving into the Depths - you can call it dream, ideea, imagination - will not be taken seriously before you associate it with the plastical means to become Work. Only then the Weird Things become Realities. Realities of art which expand the limits of life as it is usually. Because they do not reproduce the visible, with more or less temperament but PRODUCE A SECRET VISION." They say the great spirits meet...
I'm impressed! I like very much the contrast between the velvety burnt omber and the intense blue with taces of parma rose and white... It's not an abstract work and yet, it's as effective as a Nicholas de Staël. If you keep it this way I think soon you'll find real collectors...
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