Saturday, October 13, 2007

Another "Fast Food pit" sketch

For cantueso, G., moonbeam and all the other kindred spirits who like to assist at the spectacle of the world - especially at the spectcle we, humans, are making of ourselves... A quick watercolor and acrylic ink sketch, no more, no less...

Friday, October 12, 2007

Fast food can be good...

... if you are an artist, searching for models, during the Quebec winter... when strolling in the park is not a pleasure anymore an artist like me (and my friend clement), trying to find a model, goes to what I call in French "le trou a bouffe" (an approximative translation would be "the fast food pit"...) People are there almost all the time, plenty of involuntary models getting fat with good, old, fast food, and we, the artists, we are drawing everything in sight... Just sketching, of course, maybe a bit on the side of caricature... Nobody gave us a beating. Yet...

Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Phoenix Bird of Suffering

Since this blog is not anymore only a selling tool (as those of the so called Daily Painters - by the way, I've red in a Georgia O'Keeffe biography about one of her early teachers, william Merrit Chase, who recommended his pupils - in 1907! - to produce at least one canvas a day; nothing new about that... In fact, I remeber it was the slogan of some Ancient Greek or Latin writer - or was it a painter? Appeles maybe? "Not a day without a line"...) I have the courage to show some of my more unusual stuff...
This is called "The Phoenix bird of Suffering" and it echoes with a post on my other blog ( where the title was " The permanence of turmoil"...

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

No comment nude

9" x 12", acrylic ink & watercolor on 300 g Strathmore paper; in a North Hatley Gallery right now; CAD 250 + s/h.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Love Dream Catcher

The name is weird, bizarre, eh? the work is also bizarre... Not my usual portraits or nudes... But this is also me... I started this big acrylic painting (36" x 24") in 2005. I've painted and repainted several times and this is the final version (if a suden mood will not dictate other wise...)
What does it mean? Well, it's up to you... But my idea, initially, started from those twig and fethers etc. things that native americans call dream catcher or nightmare catcher... It evolved in a smaller version and then in this one...

Improved landscape

Since I'm a perfectionist (I think) I did some small improvements to a landscape I published here at the begining of my blog...