Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Winter in the old city...

We all have our own mythical territories... For Faulkner was that inpronouceble county Ikano....too complicated...For me, it's Sibiu, Romania... (google it, you'll see...)

I was born there, lived there most of my life, before imigrating to Canada... It's a beautiful (very) old city (first documentary mention about 1192 or something like that). A lot of medieval building and stuff...

This a landscape of 11 x 14 inches, acrylics on Arches rough paper (acid free, of course) and the price is CA$ 250.


Anonymous said...

Interesting perspective... is it exagerated or realistical? I also like the way you worked the old walls...

ovi said...

"iarna pe ulitza"..., pardon, pe str. Centumvirilor, in Sibiu, strada zisa si "spinarea cainelui"...

Anonymous said...

Dear Danu, I am the proud owner of two of your landscapes, they are admired by all those who see them. However, something is missing from my living-room walls: inspired and intriguing comments, in the vein of those which adorn and your blog pictures.
Your remarkable work is well represented and splendidly exhibited in this space, a well conceived blog of an accomplished artist.
Felicia Antip

Pierre Radulescu said...

I like your colors. And your universe is kind and warm.

Ion Vincent Danu said...

Multzumesc, Ovidiu, de adaugirea utila celor ce nu cunosc, ca noi sibienii, capitale europeana...


Thank you very much, Felicia, for your most generous commentaries! But I know I have a lot to do still, in order to be an accomplished artist... Hope that time will be clement with me and that you could also enjoy that time when I'll be (more) accomplished...

Ion Vincent Danu said...

Comentariul tau, Pierre, a aparut mai tarziu pe blog (nu ma intreba de ce... ma rog mai mult de cand am de-a face cu computerele...) si-tzi multzumesc mult de aprecieri. Coming from you, it means a lot.

Anonymous said...

Je retrouve avec délice vos œuvres.
Une ivresse subtilement maitrisée, si je puis dire: des couleurs, des lignes, des paysages, des portraits, tous pleins de vérité, débordants d'exubérance.
Votre forte personnalité artistique rend vos tableaux originaux.
Mes félicitations !

marica solomon said...

encore une foi j'aime la composition tres structuree, les couleurs si fraiches et l'odeure des hivers de mon enfence...
marica solomon