Monday, October 22, 2007


Heck of a title, eh? (the "eh!" is my trying to be very Canadian, eh?) The story is this: when I lived in Magog (a little and very nice town, on the lake Memphremagog, about 30 km from Sherbrooke) I use to go to a small coffee shop downtown... order a coffee and sketch everything in sight, for hours... One day, I've sketched this beautiful young lady, with a very long and gracious neck, which, of course, reminded me of style="font-style:italic;">Modigliani's portrait... The portrait you see is what I've painted (acrylic inks and watercolors) using that sketch... Look at the back and you'll see something, maybe, interesting...


Anonymous said...

You always make such nice decoration out of clothes. The guy sitting with his back to the viewer is a novel thing and puts time into the portrait, like her open mouth. I don't know what that old blind gorilla voyeur is doing in the mirror.

Ion Vincent Danu said...

Ha,ha, ha! I suppose I've deserved it! that "old blind gorilla voyeur" it's not a mirror but, in fact, a painting and, more precisely, a Self-portrait ( well, an interpretation of one of De Chirico's paintings) ; I'll post it someday soon... even if now I'm kind of afraid not to scare my fans...

Miki said...

Oh God, this is so funny with the "old blind gorilla voyeur" being your self-portrait? Simply GENIAL!
Don´t be afraid to show your Mr Hyde´s face, Danu: I´m not afraid to see it!
Anyway I have already a tiny idea of the Mr Hyde within you...
Has the girl ever seen this beautiful painting?

Ion Vincent Danu said...

For alfred: some are... even to me...

For miki: no, we were never been "introduced"... better that way, anyway; and "Mr. Hyde te salutant"...

Anonymous said...

oh, burlesque !

ovi said...

Dane, Dane, nu te lasi de ghidusii !...

Anonymous said...

That frame with your portrait DOES look like a mirror--reminds me of the one with the king and queen in Velazquez's Meninas.
Your stuff is more lively than Modigliani's, which looks lapidary beside it. That chair of the woman's is not your least good invention.

Ion Vincent Danu said...

Thank you very much, G! I'll cite you (did I spell that right?) to some art merchants, OK? And the chair is really my invention (I needed it compositionally...)