I don't even know if the word exists, in this form, in English... Maybe it's more like melancholy ? (Well, I checked and it exist; meaning homesick...) In my meaning, it's more like a mellow sadness, a resigned regret that time passes and the youth with it... This watercolor (and acrylic ink) is a landscape of a very special place, for me: it's called something like the Village Technical Museum (whatever!) and it's situated in a large forrest near the city of my childhood and youth: Sibiu, in Romania. A great place with a few lakes and a lot of fire trees and oaks, etc. I've spent a lot of time wandering about that forest, in the summertime... Of course, in my nostalgic memories, it is even more beautiful than this painting...
I don't know why but it sems I'm not able to upload an image anymore... I'll try again later... Sorry, folks!
So happy to see that you managed loading the painting, I was missing it already!
Tell me: what is "acrylic ink"? Never heard about it. I´m normally not so bothered about materials, but this sounds like a contradiction, so it makes me curious!
Every year I am touring a part of Europe with my mobilhome, 2 months, sketching as much as I can. One of the future travels will be to "The Eastern Countries", surely Romania too. I hope you´ll tell me then where I must go... this landscape looks so romantic that it almost hurts! I need to go there one day...
nici eu n-am mai fost cam de mult in muzeul din Dumbrava; imi aduc insa aminte cu placere de peisajele de toamne pe care le-am admirat impreuna, cindva, in din ce in ce mai indepartatele noastre tineretze...
Miki, you already DO what I've dream to do since 7-8 years now! A mobilhome (here they call them morothome or, in French "motorisés"...) That's my dream. Having one of those and traveling the summer through Canada, Us and Mexico (why not? I just dream...)... If you want to go to Romania, tell me! I still have some contacts and I could point you toward the most interesting spots. Next year, in the sumertime, I plan to go visit my parents. wouldn't be great to meat over there?!
Ok, the acrylic ink (I use Daler Rowney myself) is a very poverful colored ink with acrylic amulsion so it has all the characteristics of acrylics - dries very quickly, etc.) Some colors are simply great: Flame orange, the Rowney blue, Indigo and Burnt Omber, which I use to draw...See, I deliver you all my secrets... My dream and my colors...
Da, Ovi, n-am uitat nimic nici eu. Sper sa ne re-amintim de toate, la o bere sau o cafea, la anul...
I don't know what part of Spain Miki lives in but here near Madrid, just outside of the town I live in, there are no trees, only a few small plants like thyme and one called broom. What would you do in this desert, Danu? I come from a region in Ohio with great tall trees and a lake and it took me a long time to get used to this climate and landscape. But I have. And I love it too and walk these bare hills as if they were Eden.
Buenas noches Sr Anònimo!
Miki -me- lives in a small town by the sea, near to Altea, abot 130 km southly from Valencia. Of course we have a lot of all these small plants, but we have too a lot of palm trees, so high that they seem to reach the sky. Many different sorts. And beautiful pine trees too. And I live just between the mountains and the sea, and ii looks grandious!
But I love too the bare landscapes in the center of Spain, I love the desert, in fact I love all the extremes!
you have no trees, but you have a lot of stuff there which I don´t have at all: the museums and all the cultural activities!
I am sure that you have much more secrets than your dreams and your acrylic inks! Anyway, no danger: the possibility to get these inks here is null! But I will have a look in my big German catalogue, where I order material from Germany sometimes... and then... then... we´ll see!
Next year I wanted to tour Scandinavia in the Summer, but I had that year such a bad weather all the time in the UK (I couldn´t paint outside at all, always strong rain!), that I decided to choose a weather safer land for next year. Probably Italia.
But I´ll surely ask you when I´ll go to Romania, where to go, I have no doubts that you know the most exciting places for an artist...
For G from Spain where "rains only in the plain"...
Well, the Prado Museum would be my first target... Velasquez and Goya and Zurbaran and, especially, Bruegel and Bosh... Québec seems to resemble a lot to Ohio... And today I was walking still in sandals (I my native Romania was snowing! and it's here where is suppose to... after 15 of Oct.! World goes upside down...
Probably I still have some (dark) secrets, Miki... Acrylic inks weren't really... I suppose Pelikan and Stadler also have acrylic inks... It would be nice to try them...
Just let me know when you decide to try the adventure of the Wild East (Romania being the most "tame" one... Moldavia, Ukraine and Russia are, it seems, much more wilder... In fact, now Romania is the first frontier of the UE...
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