Do we need, as artists, to experiment? I think we do. Even if it doesn't sell too well, even if it doesn't sell at all... I really don't think selling should be our aim in life...
This is a Romanian landscape. The original photo represents a view from Ocna Sibiului, a very old (ancient Roman like...) small village/town near Sibiu... It has some 8-9 salt lakes, one or too so salty you'll be pumped out like a quark and you have to be VERY CAREFUL and to moove VEEERY slowly in it, otherwise you'll risk to drown, face down, like a coackroach on his back which cannot turn... (Technical details: 8" x 11" acrylics and watercolors on paper)
în palme ţin
numele tău
despicat de pofte
sau poate de ce mai găsim
din noi
panglica mătăsoasă
a explicaţiilor
apologetice suspine
logic înlănţuite
între ideal şi trezia
din călătorii deandărătelea
e inuntil să îmi spui cuvinte de dragoste
nu le mai aud
îmi tai urechile
ca să te simt mai adânc
e ca şi cum am vorbi
ca de o carne
ce ar fi trebuit să urle pe masa măcelarului de copii
înainte de Vicenza
nu eram eu..
Adrian G
Multzam, A! poemul tau e foarte frumos (chiar daca trist... de altfel, materia prima a poezie nu cred sa fie veselia...) si adaugi un experiment literar la modestul meu experiment plastic... "invinovatzi", nice! e o gaselnitza poetica super...
May vorbim...
What does "you'll be pumped out like a quark" mean, Danu?
Yes, what does that mean? Are they the quarks from the elementar particles theory? Or the German frish cheese?
I do believe artists need to experiment if they want that their art stays alive. At least for me it is very important, But we should experiment :
1. only when we love to experiment, and not because we think they must
2. we should not experiment only for the sake of it
3. we should use the word "experiment" with much humility and honesty... this word has been used so much by so many artists that it lost its depth...
A very strange painting... I just look and look and no words come...
Ok. My english... When you were children and you were taking a bath you never played with a little duck or something? If you submerse (keep down) the duck or a bottle quark (I know I,m not writting well the word but it sound like that! a botlle of vine has a "quark"...) under the water and then release it, it will"pop out" - get out - quickly emerge - from there... Comprendre?
For me there are no rules for experimentation, miki... You experiment, try out things, techniques, subjects, etc. Most of the time, you got nothing interesting... I'm not even sure this is a experiment... No big deal. I just wanted to share it with you...
Danu, I didn´t mean this painting at all, in case you understood that! I just met a lot of pretentious pseudo artists with their mouth full of the word "experiment". I Know you now a little bit, you are surely not one of them, I were not here if you were! And knowing too a little bit your paintings, I would definitively call this one an experiment. But in fact, it is not important how one calls it... "trying out" is the word I usually use... and yes, I find that it is very important.
Sorry if I was not precise enough with my comment...
Your painting is so strange, that I can´t find words to tell what I feel... although, it is more a thinking than a feeling what happens inside of me... just without words.
CORK, Danu.
grozav experiment! Van Gogh ar fi mindru de un asemenea urmas...
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