Thursday, October 25, 2007

Miss T

Since I'm showing you more than my usual, nice, beautiful, pretty stuff here it is this somewhat weird portrait of a young lady from Romania, the daughter of a friend... She was a very silent creature, gracile, with a long, gracious neck and green-blue eyes... Somewhat weird and not without some (maybe dark) secret... Modiglianesque and dostoïevskian character...It's just a 8" x 11", as usual, an acrylic ink and watercolor on Arches 300 g paper.


Anonymous said...

She looks a little sad, and that smile is kind of Mona Lisa-ish. She's very androgynous looking too. Interesting painting.

ovi said...

stranie faptura... ce ochi frumosi, ce git prelung, ce expresie chinuita?
ai prins-o excelent, Dane ; felicitari !

Ion Vincent Danu said...

Glad you find it interesting, moonbeam! (and thanks for making me a star! I sure hope I won't dissapoint you...)

Daca-tzi spun ca-i cunosti parintzii ma crezi?

Anonymous said...

You're very welcome-- you deserve it. By the way, I read "Tobermory," Saki's cat story. It's wonderful, and reminded me of how much I like his writing. Thanks!

Ion Vincent Danu said...

Yes, moonbeam, saki is one of the greatest... Did you read Jaroslav hasek? (the guy, also a ww1 soldier, like saki, is a wonderful satiric writer and his "Aventueres of the Private Svejk in the WW1" must have been translated in English, he's a classic... One of the best satirical writers from Central and Eastern Europe...You'll like it!

ovi said...

ii cunosti parintii lui "Miss T"? si eu? sunt sibieni? daca nu-i potzi da numele, da-mi macar un indiciu-doua...

Ion Vincent Danu said...

Ovi: doua indicii: crucea din pictura si locuiesc nu prea departe de unde lucrezi tu...

ovi said...

presupun ca e vorba de George X...

Ion Vincent Danu said...
