This is, of course, Jackie, and she had the blues (I don't know if she still has it...) Posing for 10 minutes could be pretty tiring and if you are posing nude, in a provincial town like Sherbrooke, it means you really need the money... I'm just guessing... I've tried to "catch" some of this sadness and, surprisingly, I used more warm colors and not really the blue... It's a watercolor & acrylic ink painting, 9" x 12", on Strathmore 300 g paper.
Nice, Danu. I like the way you put a second figure in with the main one.
100 swallows
She was a bit sad and lonely... So I sketched the artist who was opposite me to give her company... More than that, he had a greenish shirt which made a nice contrast...
lubrica de Jackie! sper ca Gabrielle nu e tot asa delabrata...
Interesting, isn´t? It is not necessary to use cold colours to catch negative moods or states like sadness, depression...
And i have noticed by myself, that the most depressed I am, the most vivid and "happy" colours I use in my paintings! A kind of inconscious compensation?
A very strong atmosphere in this painting. And I love the composition.
Sorry, I was logged in in the wrong blog!
Very astute observation, miki! That "compensation" might be true, in some cases, for me also... and thanks! As for you error, it was a happy one since it gave me the opportunity to browse a bit on your blog and, through photos and words and watercolors (very nice!) to know you better... Now I know how you papa and Kev looks like (I already knew how you look) and even how does look your motorhome! Quite nice! In the 90ties I've travel a bit in Europe and went 2 times in England and Scotland. I love it there...
Pt. ovi: da tipa era realtiv lubrica si nu asa de tânara ca modelel obisnuite... dar poza destul de bine, avea o piele neteda, care reflecta bine lumina... nu potzi avea doar modele super tinere si frumoase ca G...
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