Friday, November 23, 2007

Dead Fish

No mystery that these days everything I write and do (like, for instance, choosing a reproduction for this post)has some dark touch... Even this 2004 fish looks more dead than normal on that plate... But, what can I do? I am who I am and I do what I do... A very intelligent and perceptive Romanian writer (usually that means that nobody but some Romanians have heard of him...)said once: "Do not EVER say something good about yourself because nobody will believe you. And do NOT ever say something bad about yourself because everybody will believe you..." (Garabet Ibraileanu) So, it's not very clever to say that I'm depressed, maybe bipolar? True, almost everybody's depressed these days - c'est "à la mode" - and even bipolarity isn't that rare... So, enjoy my dead fish - if you can - and do not be too harsh with me... Depression is for everybody and one day you'll try it too, maybe...


Anonymous said...

That is the prettiest dead fish I ever saw. Who would say the painter is depressed? Still-lifes (or lives)-- are usually depressing, now that I think about it. Not this one.

Ion Vincent Danu said...

Thanks, G., for giving me courage...

sensei2004 said...

My dear Danu
My apologies for not visiting your site for a while, not because I don't like it (I actually do!), but because
...I just forgot.
I am not sure why your counts have dropped, but the nudes are definitely more attractive than a dead fish...:-)The fish you painted reminds me of the makarel, a fish the Japanese call 'saba', a word that means 'granpa' in Hebrew.
Well done...


Anonymous said...

Leave it to you to somehow make a dead fish gorgeous!

Ion Vincent Danu said...

Not a big deal, rafi. You do it when you can. And yes, nudes ARE more attractive than dead fish. I knew the word "sabra" (I just have seen EXODUS, a film by Otto Premminger, with Paul Newman, after the novel of Leon Uris and there they used the word for a native from Palestine) and I'm glad to learn new words...

Ion Vincent Danu said...

Moonbeam, I wish I can transform also my life like that! make something gorgeous from somthing which is just bleak and insane... As always, you are too kind with me.

Anonymous said...

I keep seeing little glimmers of color in the bowl that remind me of mother-of-pearl.

Ion Vincent Danu said...

Superpositions, layers of transparent acrylics can do that, sometimes. There are also proper iridiscent colors but I seldom use them...

Anonymous said...

pare destul de apetisant... o fi peste exotic (dupa culori, cam da, Danule!)iata o "natura moarta" care-si merita numele

Ion Vincent Danu said...

Facem si noi ce putem... si nu putem prea multe...