thing... So here it is, Gabrielle again, very alive and kicking (even if she SEEMS - only seems! - angry with you, turning his beautiful back to you...) It's a not yet finished painting but a complete drawing - and I'm confuse about the frontier - of 38 cm x 28 cm. You can even buy it...
Very, very beautiful-- one of my favorite of your drawings so far.
Thanks, moonbeam! I'm glad you like it. I hope to be able to do others yet more beautiful...
o "bunatate" de muiere, putin cam coapta, insa bine alcatuita si, mai ales, f. bine pictata. Auguste Renoir, nu altceva !
m. medrea
Coapta,n-as zice mon ami fiindca daca are 17-18...Plina, da. Si fata e superba, fina, bine proportzionata, rasata. e drept ca se faneaza repede (corpul - sanii sunt prea mari ca sa dureze -naturali, in plus - dar e Gabriella!)
e frumoasa, insa eu i-as fi dat 42-45 de ani !
pt. o juna, e rascoapta
Mon ami, una din doua: ori eu nu stiu sa le desenez (probabil) ori tu nu potzi aprecia varsta pe la spate...
pe la spate apreciez "calibrul", nu virsta...
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