That's what Eugène Délacroix said:
"A painting should be a feast for the eye." There are a lot of painters who agree with that. Some are great names, like Renoir and Matisse, to mention just two. Some are just quasi-anonymous artists, like myself. But I believe it firmly. Why else
should you paint if not to create a joy for yourself and for the eventual onlookers? (Of course, things are more complicated than that... as things have the bad habit to be, but essentially that's it: paintings are - should be - a feast for the eye...) I can understand the experiment and experimentations of the conceptualist and abstract artists but, let's be honest: what joy do you get from looking a black square on a white square?
This nude I post here is an small experiment in overlayered textures, a decoration experiment, if you want. Acrylics, of course.As always, I hope you'll like it. It's intended to be a feast for the eye...
"...Intinsa lenesa pe canapea/ Domnitza sufera" in poza "mea" (citat aproximat, functie de poza).
Iaca pozna, oameni buni, pictorul "ride, cinta si danseaza" (ca sa citez tot din clasici), adica se simte in elementul sau fie in peisagistica, portretistica ori compozitie, ceea ce nu-i putin lucru; dimpotriva !
Haz de necaz, mon ami, haz de necaz...
1.Cine-i Anonimus?
2.Danu. Interesant. Ai dezbracat modelul ca sa imbarci fundalul.
Anonimus e un foarte bun prieten al meu, scriitor si redactor la o revista de cultura la sibiu, cunoscut si sub numele de Mihail Medrea...
Nici eu n-as fi putut s-o spun mai bine si cu mai putzine cuvinte...Asa e.
It truly is a feast-- the textures, lines and colors are beautiful.
I'm really glad that I can do a little joy for the eye to the people who discovered me on the internet (and whom I discovered also - and some of them, you for instance - give me great pleasure to read... Yesterday evening I've read an illustrated biography of Sam clemens, alias Mark Twain, and was shocked to find out how sad, in fact, was his life...His children were sick or died early (so did his wife) and he went through tremendous money trouble etc. All the great the fact that he wrote so enchanting (and truthfull) prose... Thanks for your friendship.
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