If caricature means "exaggerated" then yes, one can make a nude AND a caricature in the same painting... I kind of exaggerated a bit, in color, composition and drawing of the background figure... Wasn't something intentional, I do "caricatures" almost without knowing it... It's in my artist blood... As usual, a 9" x 12" watercolor and acrylic ink, on Strathmore 300 g paper. If interested, you know were to find me...
In some things we are very similar, Danu. When i am sketching people, I always do caricatures, automatically, it is not at all my intention! I was asking myself man times if that means that I don´t really like or respect these peopel? Some say that this is the reason.. i don´t believe. Because it happens to me even when I sketch my most beloved people... I guess it is just that our artist´s eye is attracted by some special features in a face, in a body, or even in an object, and our sensitivity just emphasizes this features in the paintings. And I think exactly this makes the paintings so interesting, and original. Because it says exactly how WE see and feel the world around us.
I certainly love your "exaggerations", they give your work a very personal style. And this might be the most important!
I love the painter on the painting.. who is she?
I love how you add some funny details... what is it within the blue circle, Melchior, the king mage?
And is it you the black ghost under the chair?
And allow me a more personal question: is your artist blood blue, this wonderful blue you use in many paintings?
Your colors, as always, are beautiful; and the composition is novel. I keep looking at that secondary figure at the easel. Sorry you make your models get into such animal-like poses.
I think the same as you do, miki. There are a lot of common sensibilities, a lot of affinities. And the differences just make those look more fun...Sometimes, looking at some of your works I have a feeling of familiarity... The woman is just another sketcher (interesting figure, though...) and the ghost absolutely unintentional... The blue is just phtalo + white (but in a special way)...
G, I have absolutely no control on the poses of "my" models. There is a person (University staff) which choses the models and I think they are - corrected only if very "amateurish" - who chose their pose... We are at all time between 12 and 30 sketchers and I'm just one of them - when I can muster the 12 $ for the session... So, I take responsability for the colors, drawing and composion (slick,eh?)
presupun ca modelul are numele ca si o porecla...
"Jackie" nu cred ca are legatura cu Mme Knnedy-Onasis... O prescurtare, pur si simplu, de la Jacqueline...
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