... which is bizarre, isn't it? Well, folks, this is a watercolor I did after a picture I liked very much, a photo of my daughter.
When I took the picture she was still my "princess" (she still is, but then it was kind of agreed upon by her, also...) Now, she's big, a college young woman and all... little or no time for his daddy... So, this is personal and a piece of work belonging to my private collection.
But I wanted to show you what I'm capable of doing with a bit of watercolor, on an Arches rough (but acid free) watercolor paper...
Of course, if an eccentric millionaire would want it very much, I WILL sell it (say, 1 million bucks?)
But, it seems, excentric millionaires aren't so numerous any more in my parts of the woods.... They all remained in Florida, and they "like it hot"... (ok, you got me! I'm also a movie buff and I like Marilyn and jazz...)
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nostima fatutza! parca-ar fi o micshunica-mitutica...
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