..."the beautiful province"... that's Quebec, for those who didn't get it yet...
Apart from the local patriotism, it's very true. It's a superb country, a country of lacs and forests, of great rivers and nice, gentle hills...
I had some hard time, at the beginning, adapting to my new society. But I always loved the Quebec landscapes, enough beautiful landscapes for 2-3 normal painter's lives...
This is a 10 x 13 inches acrylics and watercolor on Arches 300 g acid free paper (rough) and you can have it for only $CA 150.
Sorry, folks! SOLD! (but a replica is always possible...)
Wow, man! It looks just like Vermont or New Hampshire! great!
Bobby Trusk
That's what I'm being told... Unfortunatelly, I never visit the US yet... but I'm planning to do so in the near future...
I've heard good things about New Mexico and Arizona landscapes, for instance... and California...
I am very disappointed. You should warn at the top of the screen that your page contains nudes. Phuy!
Dane, esti teribil de sentimental... ori "mi se-mpare", cum se zice pe la Cacova / Fintinele, de care-mi aduce (vag, ce-i drept) aminte acest frumos peisagiu supt-montan.
Quebec-ul e (aproape) la fel de frumos ca Marginimea Sibiului, ha, ha!
AB, zau daca stiu cand esti serios si când nu...Are you serious?!?
Da, Ovidiu, sono sentimentale, molto, molto sentimentale... Impartasesc parerea ta despre Quebec cu mentziunea ca uneori e MAI frumoas, oricum, mai mare, mai maretz...
Looks like western Massachusetts, too, where I live. Also reminds me of the film "Witness", filmed in the Amish country of Lancaster County Pennsylvania. However, I've seen landscape paintings that are sooo boring, of places that are quite beautiful in reality. In this case, just the opposite! I love the vibrant colors you used here -- I think you've captured the real spirit of that landscape. Your love of Quebec and its landscapes reflects here. Bravo!
Yes, you're right, D! and I remember quite well Witness... Harrison Ford and and actress I like very much but I always forget the name. But I remember her face and figure...
Thanks a lot for your comments!
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