... something a bit older, but of which I'm kind of proud, a lanscape from Waterville, a small town near Sherbrooke where I lived a couple a years back...
It's a 24 x 36 inches acrylics on canvas, my old landlord owns it (but I can always make a better replica...)
Dane, crepusculul tau e "bestial". Nu degeaba l-am ales pt. coperta volumului meu de proza, "insemne"...
Mihail Medrea
Ma bucur ca l_ai ales, my man!
This 'exception' is exceptional in my opinion. I do not know how to put it, but for me it shows that you should maybe try to let your spirit run more free, create and not necessarly reflect. You seem to be best when you succeed to catch a glimpse of the hidden magic.
Thanks, Dan! I also kind of like it... and no doubt, you're right. Paul Klee, in his cataloguing system, had a name for this kind of works. He called them "sonderklasse" (the exceptional class): works who were, for one reason or another, special... which opended new directions or were samples of that miraculous happening, quite rere, when you succed doing something whole, something almost "magic"... Unfortunatelly, I'm no Cézanne or Manet (who did not have to earn a living because their family "provided")...
Danu, this comment comes rather late, but... I also think this painting is extraordinary! Oh and _how_do you get those brilliant hues of blues "DaNu"? It reminds me a bit of a Chagall piece, "American Windows" I think it's called. Anyway, this as you say is a "landscape from Waterville" but to me also it's a landscape from a universal "interior" universe. If you create replicas, let me know!
Your comments, D, are always welcomed. The blue you see is made of repeated glacis (thin transparent color layers) some blue phtalo or ultramarin, some magenta etc. Sometimes 5-6 even more layers...
Sure, I let you know when I paint a replica.
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