Thursday, December 6, 2007

Travis & Jackie

It's not often but it happens... We have the chance to draw couples. This time it was Travis & Jackie. To draw a couple - in the same or almost the same - amount of time as a single nude is not easy. II did my best. The technique is the same: acrylic ink on Arches watercolor paper. What should I say more?


Anonymous said...

singuratate in 2 (x 2, la puterea 2 s.a.m.d)...

Ion Vincent Danu said...

Cam asa,nu?

David Lobenberg said...

You have so many beautiful water colors like this that it would be a shame to stop your blog. I just emailed you my "secrets" to attracting people to your blog.

Ion Vincent Danu said...

Thanks again, David, for your kind words. I've received your secrets (their mine also, now) and what can I tell you?

I didn't stop, effectively. It's more like the blog stopped... I just transferred my thoughts and most of my reproductions on Wordpress, where I get 40-50 hits (and sometimes even 400!) without doing anything else than I do here with a meagre result (5-6 hits per day). I've liked the soft and the easyness to post but, finally, we blog also for hits, do we?

Please visit me at: where I also added you at my blogroll...