Drawn this summer, when it was warm and bright...Right now I look outside at 20 cm of snow and it gives me the chills... for a moment. White is, finally, a beautiful kind of color... This is Samuel, a nice, talkative young fellow. Nothing harsh, nothing sinister, nothing depressive. Simply a sunny portrait. I'll try to keep it that way. Of course, it's an acrylic ink & watercolor on Strathmore paper. Enjoy!
A nice portrait, Danu, and the boy looks really kind. Did he like his portrait? Funny how the assymetry in his features makes him so sympathetic, so human... I think this is what the simulation people have to understand when they make their heroes and try to make them look as real as possible: I think they make their faces too symmetrical... Am I right? Perhaps I am just not well informed, they might have made a lot of progresses in the meanwhile...
You are such a strange guy, Danu... so extreme... when it is sunny it is really sunny and it is wonderful for everybody around. And when it is dark, darker geht es nicht, and it seems to be dark for ever! I must confess, I only like the extremes, everything between bores me to death...even if I might moan about too many depressive entries...
Yes, I think he liked it, miki. He paid 5 $ for it. And you are perfectly tight about the asymmetry of faces...Almost never saw a symmetrical one...and the theory says (as far as I know) that there aren't...
You are also right about strange. Dark and sunny, that's me. YES-NO, Oui-Non, DA-NU... But Hannibal Lector iIS darker than me... I didn't get yet to the stage "rare liver with a Chianti...huuuuhh" (Joking, of course) And don't worry: I still got some depressive entries in me...(Joking again) Since yesterday, when I've read about Trouble (the bitch which -sic! - sick! - has a 300.000 USD yearly expense account, I'm quite depressed...and furious...
Dane, baietelul asta are niste ochi superbi si o expresie atit de dezinhibata incit, daca eu as fi parintele lui, si as avea un venit mediu, as plati o suma bunicica autorului acestui portret.
Dar, pt. ca nu sunt in nici una dintre ipostazele metionate, ci doar un departat al tau admirator si prieten (sper), ce pot altceva decit sa te laud cind cred ca o meriti, ori sa-ti fac o nevinovata observatie, cind cred ca e cazul...
Nice, Danu. I like those flecks of white (light) you sprinkle around. That gray shirt is good too, as your clothes always are.
Itzi multzumesc de vizite si de comentarii, Ovidiu! Ma bucur intideauna sa vad un semn de viatza de la tine...
Thanks, swallows! I try and I try... and the greatesc satisfaction is in the work itself. But a friendly appreciation makes always a supplementary pleasure...
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