Why an imaginary landscape when there are plenty of real ones? I don't know. Really. I just feel like "it", sometimes... This is a pretty old one, a 2004 landscape. When I was experimenting a lot (good habit I've kind of lost, for the moment...but it will come again, I hope). I hope also I did
not show you this already... I was wondering when it will happen... anyhow, in my opinion it's a nice imaginary landscape. And nice things are rare this day... I used acrylic and non acrylic inks on a highart board. Nothing better came along when I've searched...
Cool! To my eye, this looks like a combination landscape of a field with a small river AND as something under the sea like a coral reef. I don't think you posted this before now. Good luck with experimentation again, your imaginary paintings are superb!
Glad you like it Deborah! (It's also one of my prefered ones...) I hope to have the time and the disposition (the mood) for experimentation again... On a small scale I still do it but then it was systematically and daily...
Okay, I'm getting embarrassed leaving so many comments, but I'm behind on my blog reading. This is gorgeous. Again, the color combinations are so beautiful, and I love the design.
Don't be embarassed, moonbeam! leave as many and as different you wish... you are one of a minority (or should I say an elite?) whom are visiting me from time to time... my friend, miki badaboom, is discouraged because one of her blogs, exactly 60 days old, had only 3509 hits! This blog of mine I've started in July I think (6 months ago!) and still hasn't 3500... It doesn't matter anyway...we are just doing our thing...
A friend of mine sent me your page's link and even if I usually don't leave messages, I couldn't stop myself about this one... That's an excellent work, a great composition!
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