A portrait without model to pose... An imaginary portrait... An evasionist portrait... A portrait called "Mustachioed Dracula", in which the author poured out his anger, his anguish, his fear...You can see that painting has a cathartic function, a letting go function, finally, an evasionistic function...
It's a 9" x 12" watercolor and acrylic inks on Fabriano 300 g paper. Collection of the artist.
Your Dracula seems to have scared everyone away.
Dane, portretul e f. spectaculos, dar, sincer vorbind, ca un anacronic ce ma aflu, prefer tabloul cu irisii. E atit de suav, atit de linistitor, atit de echilibrat !
And here I said that your Dracula had been very successful: he scared everyone away.
Dane, daca Munch a pictat "Strigatul", tu ai pictat acum "Urletul". E grotesc, e de cosmar, e ceva a la Goia sau Bosch. Ti-a iesit bine, nimic de zis, insa mie unuia imi plac mai ales picturile de genul celei cu "Iirisii". Deh, gusturrile si palmele difera de la om la om, cum zicea un sas de pe la noi...
It seems so, it seems so! But my Dracula is dangerous especially for himself...
Facem si noi ce putem ca sa intram in randul celor mari, O! fie ei Munch, Goya sau Bosch... Cand va fi sa-tzi fac un cadou voi stii sa aleg mai curand ceva in genul Irisilor (habar pe unde mai sunt - originalul - poate pe la anamaria?)
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