Wednesday, October 17, 2007

More personal stuff...

This is a 2006 somewhat more personal watercolor. It represents my daughter, Ioana, a young lady now, always in a hurry and with very little (or none!) time to pose for her father, the artist... I have to take spy pictures of her - decent ones, of course! - and to paint her after those fugitive, in movement photos... Neither her, nor my other two children, give much attention or thought to my paintings... Nobody's a prophet in his/her family, eh?..


Miki said...

A very specific style, here, identificable. Captures deeply what you write: Ioana has no time to pose for her father!
Yes, family is something strange. My family didn´t take my art seriously )I am "normally" a mathematician and worked as such) until I started selling many paintings. Now that ì´m "famous", they all want a painting from me... too late perhaps?
But I remember how it hurt me in the past as they were not bothered...

Ion Vincent Danu said...

Thanks, Miki! It's good to know I'm not the only one... I was a history teacher for a long time, until I could become what I always wanted to be: an artist... I saw some of your watercolors - very fresh, very beautiful. No wonder you sell a lot...

Anonymous said...

I predict: your daughter won't stay indifferent to this painting forever.

Ion Vincent Danu said...

Thank you very much, Pythia-G! I certainly hope so the same thing...

ovi said...

Ce faptura gingasa ! e cumva Ioana?

Ion Vincent Danu said...

Binentzeles ca e Ioana... in graba, ca intotdeauna caând e vorba de mama sau tata...

ovi said...

tare scumpa s-a facut Ioana !

se vede ca ai pictat-o cu of si cu dor...

Ion Vincent Danu said...

Asta era acum vreun an, ovi! nu cred ca am avut sansa s-o observ mai mult de 5-10 minute TOTAL in ultimele luni, de când e logodita si vrea sa se mute cu alesul ei...