I think I would need 2 lives to paint and draw everything worth painting in Québec... I suppose it's the same thing with some of its neighbours... Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire...
This is a landscpe from Gaspesie, I think (I'm not good with names of places) and those two boat "floating" on dry land catch my eye. It's an acrylic ink and watercolor on strathmore 300 g watercolor paper. CAD 250 if somebody is interested...
This is very pretty, Danu. How many more of these goodies do you have in the drawer?
You praise the quick sketch but don't say this one was done in ten minutes.
The greenish blue at the top and the purplish blue at the bottom make a nice effect.
Thanks, G! and it was done probably in no more than 20-30 minutes... Good work is sometimes quick work... But there is an anecdote with Corot on this matter: Corot was painting a landscapes and some bourgeois withnessed his doing... He was ready in an hour, an hour and a half... One of the onlookers, asked Corot: Say, master, you did this landscape in 1 h and you charge about 10000 francs for it... Isn't that too much? And Corot answered: yes, mister, I've done this in an hour but it took me 25 years to learn to do it so quick!...
I still have some "goodies" in my drawers... I would part with them but, for now, not a lot of "takers" (of course, they don,t know what they are loosing; 5-10 years after I die this "goodies" will be 10 x more expansive! I think...
Thank you so much for showing me/us this painting, Danu!
It is always such a strange expereince to see the whole painting when you have first seen a detail (well, detail, in this case, is a very small word to qualify your header!). It is always as if there are two different paintngs in one, at 2 different levels. Like 2 levels of reality perhaps...
Anyway I love it! Wonderful colours, the blue of the plant in the foreground is amazing...
I diidn´t know that Quebec can look like that... the boats look so mediterranean...
Great anecdote about Corot, and how true!
All in one: I deeply enjoy Danu´s almost daily paintings!
Corot's remark I read from the mouth of Degas or Renoir. And I heard it from my car mechanic when I asked him why the bill for changing some piece could possibly be so high. I'll bet it goes way back and maybe wasn't even said originally by a painter. Could Yahweh have been the first, when they asked him how He could have created the earth and sky in seven days?
Thanks, Miki! I happens, sometimes, that you can fragment 1 painting in 2-3-4 little ones by just "citing" a detail or the other... Now, with the digital age, it's even more easy and obvious... You also can have quite different images by just photographing the different creative phases (stages)... a bit like in etching when you make "tirages" of stage 1, stage 2, 3 etc. a world to explore...
For anonymous: it's quite an obvious truth and Yahve, your garagist and corot (not to mention the others) may have some wisdom in common...
True also that there are artists who never learn to do it fast or who do not think that doing it fast is valid approach... In fact, I think the work only can validate a method. you can apply very thoroughly all the "best" methods and still not to get but a mediocre result... Finally it's not the method, it's the artist...
to Danu
Isn't Anonymous funny? I wish he'd come out with his mask off and say hello. Maybe a correction will bring him out of his hole: Yahweh made the whole business in SIX days.
As you say, Danu: the quickie is not everyone's bag. There are fashions in this. There are only a few drawings of any kind by Velazquez; and judging by his wizardry with the brush, he could make a quick pen sketch better than anybody. But he didn't keep those—he obviously didn't value them very highly. Nowadays is there anybody who says he doesn't like a quick sketch or that the quickie doesn't have more “life” than the other? People have only a second to spend on an image and, apparently, artists have only a second to give to making one. But most quickies only pass on platitudes and conventions and show emptiness or laziness or “cheek”. Of course that's not the quickie's fault but the painter's—I realize.
I'm in a kind of a dilema, G! I feel saying there too damn many "artists" - artistes de dimanche and very ambitious and productive "diletante", who simply poor on the market the "platitudes and conventions" you are speaking of...But, in the same time, I cannot blame them, it's this right (or possibilty) that almost anyone have to be an artist, which gave me (and otheres) the possibility to be what I am (and what I will become, maybe)... So, it wouldn't be fair to blame modern times... I don't really know...
I forgot: I know Yahve is suppose to have it done in 6 days, that's why I intitled this The Fifth... He (or is it SHE?) still has some unfinished business, here and there...
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