Sometimes, our model is a man. This is Karsten, an East-Germany immigrant and a dancer... Nice muscles...
It's a 9" x 12" acrylic ink and watercolor on Strathmore 300 g (acid free, of course) paper. I'll sell it for CA$ 250, shipping and handling included.
Is he leaning against something? His pose looks awfully hard to hold for long. Did you say the other nudes held out for ten minutes? My old drawing sessions were forty minutes long and boy did the models sway. By the end of the session they were sometimes at a ten degree angle from their original position.
Does this fellow resist scratching? It takes something special to be a good model.
100 swallows
I think he didn't lean against something... but he was a professional model and dancer... so, you imagine it's not your usual amateur model. More than that, it's an equilibrium (?point of balance? that he achieved in this position, what the french call "roulé en boule", I think... Yep, it takes good muscles, patiance and capacity to dream...
datornic defunct
dorinţe distilate dorsal
dezlănţuite doruri decisive
desculţe deci,
de dragul drapelului
dogmatice deluvii diurne
drăguţul de Dali descântând dealul
după datină dormeam dezbrăcaţi..
dunele duceau dincolo
deasupra, diletanţii duşmănoşi
doctoranţii distinşi, demonicele
domnişoare depilate
desfoliate doamne disperate
de doliul duhovnicilor de drum.
dragostea decisivă
decima delicvenţa
demolată durerea
diapazoanelor dosite, disonante...
Ma bucur ca picturile mele înca te mai inspira, AG! Mersi de vizita!
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