In fact, Marie (one of my pupils from last year) wasn't FROM Peru but she worked there so many years that, sometimes, she would prefer to speak Spanish instead of her native French québécois...
Exactly the same thing as Yannick... And you see that I'm not afraid of pink! (which could be a very tricky color...)
Dane, iti ies tot mai bine portretele, sunt tot mai expresive, mai incitante, mai convingatoare, mai... ca-mi vine sa cred in stupida teorie ca necazurile si greutatile sunt indispensabile in viatza unui artist.
Asta e facut in vara anului trecut (portretul uneia dintre elevele mele) si de atunci n-am mai facut prea multe (câteva, dar nu asa multe...) Nemaivand masina n-am mai putut merge in parc, iar clement a facut un infarct (dar e bine acum)...
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