Monday, October 15, 2007

Digital variants...

It's funny what you can do nowdays, with the digital photography, scanning and such...Since 1998-99 I began to digitally archivate my paintings and drawings... They become, more and more, just pixels on a cd or DVD... A lot of advantages with that: you can have almost instantly the image of your stuff, you can even ameliorate it (usually I don't do more than amelioration of the contrast or a small re-blance of the colors...) And, of course, you can keep and use an imense number of images (yours or others, to use them as visual stimulii... Or you can keep track - in a very detailed manner - of your work, you can transform what will finally be your paintings in a multitude of "variants", of work steps... Sometimes, a sketch can be better than the "finished" work... sometimes (even quite often) what you do "a la prima" is the best thing you do... Here is an advanced "variant" of a painting I sold a few years ago, at the Bromont Art Symposium... It's just a digital variant...


Anonymous said...

mmmmm, inca odata, e ceva despre acei albastru, Danu! Something about the blues in your work, subtle or intense, is captivating. This digital variant is wonderful...


Anonymous said...

So beautiful...

Ion Vincent Danu said...

Thanks, D! and thanks, Moonbeam1 Glad you like it...

ovi said...

halucinant peisajul!
atmosfera cam ca in Twin Peaks...

Ion Vincent Danu said...

De aia si intitulat "Crepuscul pe lac" sau asa ceva...