Autumn is in the air... Yesterday started raining and there are plenty of earth and vegetal fragrances... It gives me the creeps (but not in a totally unpleasant way...) So, I've imagined I'm a white horse on a full moon night...
This is a 9" x 12" acrylic on cardboard High Art. Email me if interested.
Note 20 of September 2007: Sold. Replica could be comissioned.
Oho, ho, Dane, ce nostalgica imagine !
...nostalgie a la Tarkovski...
Sarmanul Tarkowski! mort singur intr-un spital italian (care, presupun, poate fi la fel de singuratic ca orice alt spital occidental) la varsta mea... tzi-am spus ca am 61,1 ani? (varta reala? vezi pe blogul celalalt lamuriri)
Ma bucur ca-tzi place...
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