I know it's very hard to paint Irises after Van Gogh, but, hey! I did my best...
This is a 9" x 12" acrylics and Watercolor on Strathmore acid free 300 g paper. If interested email me...
Note: Sorry, folks! Sold. The lady who bought this said she liked it more than the Van Gogh's Irises (another reason was that it wasn't THAT expensive, but shhh! that's a secret...)
Man, that's great! all those litlle details... and the variety of greens you are using... the contrast with the delicate nuance of violet...great.
I agree with Gustav's comment 100 percent! It's lovely!
lucrari reusite, ce denota optimism in creatie. Imi place tabloul cu irisii si portretele de domane si domnisoare ... foarte naturale. Keep up the good work!
irisii astia-mi plac cel mai mult, spune Ilie Revnic, aflat in stinga mea, in fata computerului...
Si nu cred ca se inseala...
Thanks, everybody! Si mie imi plac irisii - mersi Ilie & Ovidiu si anamaria! N'or fi ei ca cei ai lui Van Gogh dar au un avantaj: nu's nici asa de scumpi...
cita delicatetze! asta-mi place cel mai mult !
cita gingasie!
acest tablou mi se pare cel mai expresiv dintre toate cite am vizionat pina acum pe blogul dvs.
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