Sunday, September 16, 2007

A joke...

Well, folks, today I did not finish yet my painting (I'm working, I'm working...) so I post a self-portrait where me and my old friend Cézanne have collaborated...

I hope you'll smile, at least...


ovi said...

Artistul la Cercul Polar ! Un act de curaj, o sfidare a convenientzelor si, nu in ultimul rind, un tribut(cred eu)adus marii cinematografii rusesti.

Succes, prietene !

Ion Vincent Danu said...

Nu chiar la cercul Polar... si nu uita global warming! Da, mai ales ca azi am terminat de citit viatza lui Dostoïewski de Henry Troyat, si el un pic de rusnac pe la origine... Mersi de vizita...