This is a 9" x 12 " acrylic and watercolor on Fabriano paper (300 g).
.I hope you like it. I do.
And, by the way, today I got the answer from the administrator of the Daily Painters Gallery. With a type letter, without nothing specific, they rejected my application to their famous site... Well, well... I suppose it's their right to do so. As it is mine to say that, in a way, I'm glad. A lot of ultra-commercial, non original painting on their site... some good painters, although. Anyway, it's now a closed subject and their rejection is their loss, not mine. I am a daily painter in my own right and it's not them who paid the bills until now... So, to heck with them and I'll continue to paint and to post my paintings here (and on the others blogs of mine, "Van Gogh and I" (at http://ivdanu.wordpress.com/) and "Danu's small world"(at http://iondanu.wordpress.com/)
Vanessa e o "dulceatza" de fetitza. Nimic fals, nimic provocator in atitudinea ei. E inocentza personificata (sper sa nu fiu atit de naiv, incit sa ma las dus de nas de aparentze; fiindca "eternul feminin" ne rezeva adesea cele mai naucitoare surprize).
The Daily Painter's Gallery say they aren't taking on any new artists now, so you needn't feel they are turning you down because they don't like your work. Anyway, the hell with them.
This little princess is very nice. There is something attractive about the dreaminess you give your sitters. And it is particularly so in kids. The viewer doesn't feel odd about peeking at those people while they are lost in thought.
Pentru Ovidiu: nu cred ca gresesti... si lasa ca nici barbatzii nu-s mult mai breji...
As you said it, G! You know, my ego isn't that inflated to be amazed at a rejection, when gently explained... What hurt was that there wasn't any of the reasons invoked as possible causes for rejection... I can take a no, you know...
Do you think that children are easier to do? Anyway, they would not be any subject for your sarcasm (caricature). Maybe that is the reason this one and the little serious boy and the portrait of your little daughter look so nice.
Sarcasm, you know, looks interesting, but would not be nice to have on the walls because in fact it acts as a depressant.
No, I don't think kids are easier! they are more figety, their attention span it's a lot shorter and the difficulty is inversely proportional with the age... But I would put and equality sign between sarcasm (which presumes some meanness) and caricature (which COULD be mean but not always). In my portrait case, almost never... I usually like my models... and "caricature" comes naturally to me. It's not intentional, is what I mean...
si aici imi place cromatica
poate as fi echilibrat mai pregnant recele...
nu stiu
simt nevoia de ceva mai rece si in stanga
Da, poate ai dreptate... desi nevoia ta de ceva mai rece si mai in stanga îmi aminteste , batrân libidinos ce sunt, de bancul cu Itzic si Rachela... Când vei fi odata în dispozitzie toleranta spune-mi si tzi-l zic...
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