There is a time in the life of a young woman when she is coming to bloom...
Well, here she is: Gabrielle (around 18 yeas old; I'm slick, am I not?) with long, flame orange hair, posing with a nonchalance that would have pleased no doubt Renoir, Degas or Matisse (and I've cited 3 of the best nude painters ever...)
This is a 9" x 12" acrylic ink and Watercolor on Strathmore (I like the texture of their 300 g paper). If you want ot buy, you'll have to talk to my European exclusive agent, Anamaria Borlan (write me and I'll give you the address...)
ce nr. de telefon are Gabrielle? pare amanta ideala.
You are right--she's very natural. And pretty. Hey--just wondering: is that platform those nudes sit on really red or do you make it so? After all, maybe it's black or green. Here maybe you made it red to match her flaming hair.
pt. O : e logodita, venea cu logodnicu la poza (sau o fi fost bodyguard-ul?) Stai cuminte!
The colors are arbitrary, G. In fact, the pose being only 10 minutes, I cannot posibly do much more than a drawing that I re-work ar work. You'll see that that platform will be orange and blue and green, fitting my need and my fantasy... And her hair, in reality, is much more Indian Yellow than orange flame...
ohooo, ce-mi mai place...
ador magenta in acest tablou
plus ca imi plac nudurile feminine:)
asta e!
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