Some week-ends, we gather to the house of one of us and we draw each other (no nudes, for God's sake! we are all over 40, say 50 years old!) For the nudes we have to go to the University of Sherbrooke were they organize a weekly "dessin d'après model vivant"...
This is Pierre, a 12" x 9" acrylic on Fabriano 300 g watercolor paper. Of course, I worked some more on the initial drawing. Usually, people aren't interested in buying other people's portraits (even masterpieces, ha,ha) but if you are an exception to the rule just give me an email...
Another good portrait, Danu. You must know you do clothes so well, too. That backdrop is also nice.
Se pare ca am gustul pentru barbati cu barbi ;-)... I really like this portrait,Danu! Actually, I like the intensity of your fellow artist's eyes as you have painted them, plus this is "reflected" (I can't think of a better word...)in the background, also intense, with what (imo) is kind of an "eye" motif. Did he like the portrait also?
I wrote on this yesterday but it didn't get in, I see. I said this was another of your excellent portraits. You do clothing very well. I like the decoration of the shirt. The background is also curious. You have found a way to render a thin blond beard. It's all very pretty.
un tip... reflexiv. surprinzi din ce in ce mai bine psihologia celor care-ti pozeaza. cit nu se va mai obseva ca-ti pozeaza, atunci vei fi ajuns la desavirsire...
Thnks a bunc, D! If you like them I will portrait them whenever I will find them!
That puzzled me also, G! I've aproved it (I NEVER reject a comment) but something must have happended! In fact, the last two day - very unusual stuff! my visitors doubled, without any apparent motive?! I'm glad, of course, but puzzled...
Ovidiule, mon ami, pai tocmai asta facea tipul, poza! Dar am sesizat - oarecum - ce vrei sa spui...
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