I hope nobody will consider me mean... I'm not, usually... and I'm a large person, too...
OK, maybe not as large... Still, I got eyes and they are more cruel than myself. I'm kind of dangerous with a brush in my hand...
This is a 9" x 12 " watercolor sketch on Arches 300 g paper. If somebody is interested I'll sell for US$ 60...
You ARE mean. Poor people, what did they do to you to portrait them like some whales? True, you put some beautiful colors on it, but still, you ARE mean.
cine spunea ca Bula a disparut? io cred ca s-a pensionat si s-a retras undeva la tzara, cu d-na sa... cum s-o fi chemind...
I swear I'm not mean... They were even fatter than that! i coul be cruel but not mean, really...
Nu cred ca cineva a spus de Bula ca a disparut...Bula e etern, ca si Don quixotte si Sancho Panza, ca Esop si ca orice alt mit vrei... Dar nu l-am intrebat cum il cheama ca eram ocupat cu desenatul...
Pai, nu cred ca esti "nemilos", nuuuu... Este multi oamenii "cam grasa", asa este, si imo, acei nu e necessar "urite", numai grasa.. Pictorul numai "vezi ce vezi"....
I am a large person too...:-)
Glad we are not alone, rafi...
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