Friday, September 21, 2007

Anna 13

That means that this is the 13th painting in a series I did after a model (and a very talented yound lady, at that, with a marvelous skin café au lait...)

It's a acrylic ink of about 8" x 11", on Fabriano 300 g acid free paper and it will cost you CA$ 200 to hang it in your bedroom...


Anonymous said...

Asta e nudul care-mi place cel mai mult, Dane. culorile sunt expresive si e ceva in felul in care i-ai desenat postura care o face nostalgica, visatoare. Bravo, domnule! Si sa stii ca mai am inca copia care mi-ai facut-o dupa tabloul acela de Gauguin, cel cu doua tipe cu sanii goi, tinand o tava cu flori...


sensei2004 said...

Just saying Hi! Nice girl...


Ion Vincent Danu said...

Yes, Rafi, Anna is a very nice girl and an excellent model. And, believe me, it's hard work... and you need talent (opr vocation) just like the artists... Not every girl who's taking out their clothes can pose...

Anonymous said...

buna bucata !