Saturday, August 25, 2007


It looks like Neederland but, in fact, it's a landscape from the "Astra" Open Air Museum ( the largest open air Museum in Europe) near Sibiu, Romania. As a child and a teen ager I've spent a lot of time around and still have some pictures of it... When I get nostalgic, I take a photo and I paint... When I'm sad, when I'm happy, when I'm bored... well, I do the same thing... I paint...

This is a 8 x 10 inches canvas, painted in acrylics, and it's yours for Ca$ 95 ...


Anonymous said...

I remeber! I've bought a similar landscape from you about 5-6 years ago! I've like it because it was like in my native Holland! I still have it in my living room... But this is even better. I'll contact you on the private email.

Ion Vincent Danu said...

Yes, Mrs. van Djik, I remember. I hope you still got my email (didn't change).

carmen mihaela visalon said...

Darga Danu,
Veronica Van Djik a spus un lucru corect. Intre Van Gogh si peisajele tale exista niste asemanari, dar si o deosebire esentiala. La el compozitia curgea in tuse concentrice. incarcate de o tensiune a celui invatat sa strige tacut. La tine, cercurile sunt oarecum liniare, ca si cum ai desface lumea astfel incat sa o poti impacheta ordonat in culorile vii ale reamasitelor verii.
Mai vb.

Ion Vincent Danu said...

Multzumesc, Carmen, pentru comentariul pertinent. ma straduiesc sa fac ce pot si eu...

Ion Vincent Danu said...

Note: this is no longer available: sold to a Montrealer...

Ion Vincent Danu said...

I never know when you are serious and when you joke, Alfred... for me it is not scary, but as I've said already you can see some really scary stuff I did ar Deviant Art, for instance (as Ion Danu)...