This is a 9 x 12 inches acrylic ink and watercolor on Strathmore watercolor paper and I would sell it for CA$ 250. Personally, I do not think classical proportions must be respected IN SPITE of the expressivity. In my book, I'll take expressivity any day of the week... I hope you do also... Here is a nude which doesn't have the exact proportions but, in my opinion, does not lack a certain expressivity... I did not do it on purpose... just like I do not exagerate the features of a portrait ON PURPOSE... It just HAPPENS that way...
Pentru prietenii romani: chestia asta care spune ca toate comentariile trebuie aprobate de mine nu are importantza fiindca, inafara de cazul ca ma înjuratzi de mama sau chestii de felul acesta, voi publica ORICE comentariu, pozitiv sau negativ, nu conteaza...
In my opinion, you cannot draw for shit! Huge hips, little head, watt,s that?! It's also king of indecent, with al that pubic hair! The easel is falling down! learn to draw before you publish!
And write in English, will you?
an American patriot
Well, I try every God given day to learn! Sorry to have disappoint you...by the way, where can I see the great, correct drawings YOU are suppose to draw, doing the comments you do?
Friendly Yours,
I wasn't sure how to leave a comment. Now I see what some Moron has written
I am ashamed to be American.
Keep up your good work, Vincent, and don't get upset with Morons like the 'patriot'...Your English is very good, you make less mistakes than some American patriots. What a disgusting message he left! Hiding under the cover of anonymity, how else! I wonder what he would have said about Modigliani.
Me too, rafi, I'm curious what he would have said about Modigliani...
But, never mind, you know the romanian proverb: As many opinions, as houses... Well, it's not a very good translation but romanian slang it's not easy to translate... Thanks a bunch for your appreciations and encouragements. You and Adrian G were the only ones, anyway...
The only ones, until recently...
Thanks, everybody!
It adds some negative value... and some traffic... and it's kind of funny... Me, being also a funny guy...
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