Does it happen to you too? Days with no meaning, void, when nothing seem to make sense... when all effort, even painting!, seem pointless, futile... and when all you can muster is "no comment"... This is, as usual, an acrylic ink and watercolor, on Strathmore (acid free) watercolor paper, 9 x 12 inches and Ca$ 300 as price...
I'm not sure but weren't you DRUNK when you wrote all that silly lines and silly labels?
The painting is great, man, but the price is too damn big...
Johny Cash
I wish! No, I wasn't drunk, but thanks for the appreciation. Gimme an email and make an offer...You could be lucky if I,m in a good mood (or DRUNK...) I may give you a BIG rabais...
amice, cred ca ar trebui sa ramai la peisaje. Cu nudurile ai o mica problema: sunt proiectii ale obsesiilor tale refulate. Nu te supara, "fratre"...
'un baiat de gasca"
I believe this is great, the best among your nudes. It's simple, has a great composition and orientation in space, it is erotic but keeps the distance at the same time.
Thanks, Dan, very pertinent and professional observations. It's also one of my favourites... I chose it for the poster of my last year exhibition (a retrospective of about 30 painting, mostly nudes). I hope to publish in the (near?) future a selection of my nudes... There si a You Tube small video with some, but the technical quality of the film is not the best... I will try again, maybe...
Pentru baiatul de "gasca" : murdarie e uneori in ochiul privitorului... nu spun ca nu exista o oarecare "erotic tension" in unele nuduri de-ale mele... dar, daca exista, este meritul exclusiv al modelelor... daca erau "sexy" asta se reflecta (neintentzionat) si in pictura... Beneficiu colateral...
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