Since this blog is not anymore only a selling tool (as those of the so called Daily Painters - by the way, I've red in a Georgia O'Keeffe biography about one of her early teachers, william Merrit Chase, who recommended his pupils - in 1907! - to produce at least one canvas a day; nothing new about that... In fact, I remeber it was the slogan of some Ancient Greek or Latin writer - or was it a painter? Appeles maybe? "Not a day without a line"...)
I have the courage to show some of my more unusual stuff...
This is called "The Phoenix bird of Suffering" and it echoes with a post on my other blog ( where the title was " The permanence of turmoil"...
Just for the record: NULLA DIES SINE LINEA. Said, according to the Pliny the Elder, by Apelles, the Greek painter. But a line a day isn't yet a painting a day.
I like the way you put the signs of birdness on this phoenix, the peacock feather. And the raging fire that consumes it (gives birth to it).
Not such a bag memory after all... I got it almost right... True, a line doesn't make yet a painting, but some days it's hard to make that minimal line at all... I've finished the Romain Rolland's biography which is impressing - well written and balanced - as I said it already - and gave me some answers (about M. alleged homosexuality and about his character and suffering... He did documented a lot his life, writing all those letters - just like Vincent, in a way, except he wrote to a lot of others, not almost only to his brother... But I'll hope will have the chance to talk some more about Michelangelo... (Not that I'm an expert, now...)
tristesse oblige!
(zice Mihail Medrea, citind din ovidiu stanomir)
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