... if you are an artist, searching for models, during the Quebec winter... when strolling in the park is not a pleasure anymore an artist like me (and my friend clement), trying to find a model, goes to what I call in French
"le trou a bouffe" (an approximative translation would be
"the fast food pit"...) People are there almost all the time, plenty of involuntary models getting fat with good, old, fast food, and we, the artists, we are drawing everything in sight... Just sketching, of course, maybe a bit on the side of caricature...
Nobody gave us a beating. Yet...
Nice, Ion. I love the colors, and the expressions.
I could've swear you'll kind of like this more humourous, more caricatural stuff... It's, a bit, the same kind of humour you favour in your writing... thanks. We may be some kindred spirits...
The current fashion that lets a girl's back hang out doesn't favor most of them, does it? Goethe liked to count the vertebrae on his girlfriend's back but when I see some of those flat flesh maps I don't mind letting someone else do the counting.
That's a real burger place all right--but prettier.
Yeap! I suppose is a plumber induce fashion! (I fact I think the source for free pot-belly and muscle fessiers is Britney Spears - an intellectual, no doubt!) My daughter is, of course, following the trend (it's very hard, when a teen or a young woman, not to do it...) and I fear for her kidneys when she'll be my age... Fortunatelly, I won't be around to see...
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