Do not call for the Firesquad! This is the name of a Daler-Rowney color, a very strong one, a quite devious one... A wonderful one if you come to master it... In this Karin nude I don't really know if I did... But the color is there and I like it.
Van Gogh - they say (and he says it himself in one or two letters) loved yellow chrome. Me, I like fire orange or orange fire. Of course, I'm not
Van Gogh but in the sense that
anche io sono pittore. My paintings are not, in all probability, to be ever sold with the record 75 (or 82 in other sources) millions USD as
The Portrait of Dr. Gachet did, bought by Mr. R. Sato (or some other japanese name soundin like it)... By the way, the record sale was topped in 1994 by
The Boy with a pipe (a "periode rose" painting) by
Picasso... Tough luck!
Even if I will cut both my ears and even do a Bibitt thing, I won't succed in egalizing Van Gogh posthume fame. People are kind of accustomed with all possible atrocities, after the 2 world wars, a Holocaust or two, not to mention the more recent wars and atrocities. A cut ear AND a suicide will bring you, MAYBE, a small article in a local newspaper (about the same attention Van Gogh ear got in Arles). So I better keep my ears and continue to love fire orange... At least, the possibility is not totally excluded I'll "fire"up the heart of some collector...
PLEASE keep your ears, Danu! And don't be a Billy Bibbit-- the world needs as many people like you as it can get. And the painting is lovely.
Thanks, moonbeam! If I knew it would serve a real purpos maybe I would cut something... but I know the secret geometry of chance is not like that... and you know something? (maybe it's self encouragement) I think you and me and the like us really do some good in this world... make it less boring (yes, with it all those massacres and horrors, it's BORING!)
GREAT painting, Danu! I totally love the orange colour there, it gives an extraordinaty light to the painting... and to the woman... and to the painter! I guess each woman would have loved to be painted in this light by you...
Concerning orange... my last client (one of the Scandinavish group who visited my gallery 2 weeks ago) had only one main requirement: she wanted a painting with a lot of orange, to fit ther furniture! I had some (I love orange myself), she hesitated a long time between 2, and at the end she chose the one which best fitted in the gap she had on her wall. But she wants to come back in January to buy the other one.
Don't doubt, Danu, you will find a collector, or at least a buyer.
I know you love the blue-green you use many times (I don't remember how you call it, the acrylic ink one), and I love it too, but concerning the decoration of their houses people normally chose paintings with warm colours. This is at least my experience.
Make some more paintings with this fire, please....
I forgot to ask:
Which are the dimensions of this painting (in cm if possible) and how much would you sell it? Answer me by mail if you don't want to publish these informations. Thanks.
You are very generous, Miki, to share with me (and potentially with us) your experience... I do not condemn your client for wanting to well decorate her home. I'm no snob myself and I remember Van Gogh himself saw painting also in its DECORATIVE functions (that his paintings are MORE than that, as are yours, or mine, that's another story...but he wanted that the painting be for the people, a joy for the eye in the first place...)
It happened last year - you know - I had a collector who bought some of my best pieces; but after 35-40, she kind of had enough and ceased to buy (at least for the moment).
No secret there, miki: it's a 8 x 10 inch ( about 20,3 cm x 25,5 cm) - like Watteau and like others with limited energy and studio space I paint on small dimensions - and it will be about 220 CAD (150 E), a price I already sdold for. But I have to check to see if I still physically have it...
I think I still have some even better nudes with orange fire...I'll search for some and either post it here or send it to you personally by email...
"Orange" are charging...
I was so impressed by that painting that I made yesterday an entry in my wordpress blog about it, I hope you don't mind me reproducing your painting there! I also recommended people to come to your blog, and I hope it will bring you some new visitors... but well, we know thtat it is not the best time of the year to get blog visits!
Of course I don't mind, miki! and thanks! I hope to be able to reciprocate as soon as this week ends (last working week before holidays)...
No, Danu, please, don't "reciprocate me"!!! It is not at all meant as such, my entry is ONLY the pure expression of my admiration. I really find your entries, all together texts and paintings, very interesting and just wanted to try to bring people to you... always, when I see something special, I feel the need to share it with as many people as possible...
Concerning the painting itself: I generally feel a little bit uncomfortable at looking at nude paintings (one might call me old-fashioned, but nudity is for me a very intimate thing...). one of the reasons why I love your painting is that the nude is not so much a nude, it is a very discrete nude, with a lot of tender charm in the nudity... do you have too some not nude figure paintings with this incredible fire-orange?
By the way a reason too why I love Susan Cornelis nudes too... they are simply beyond nudity...
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