A sample of what I did in "hostile" conditions... I mean, when the model (upon whom I have no control, being just one of the many sketchers...) took "ballet" postures... No comments...Of course, it's an acylic ink + watercolor on Strathomore 300 g.
This is very pretty and suggestive, Danu. What beautiful colors! And that girl drawing on the left is so good it's a pity we can't see more of her. Bravo! 100swallows
Though I do not understand what you mean, it seems you don't like ballet postures. And should that then be visible in that sketch? Should I perceive the hostility?
I can never see a thing. I thought that one of these days I ought to send you a donkey that I have drawn, but first I would have to ask you to try and imagine what a donkey drawn by me would look like.
It was when I had my first computer and discovered that on "Paint" you could draw with the mouse of the computer. So I did a donkey. Try to imagine it, and when you have finished imagining it, tell me. Then I'll send you the oeuvre itself.
(Why do you enable comment moderation? Do you think somebody is going to bitch at you?)
I think I can imagine what your donkey looks like...My daughter, when she was 7-8, played also with the mouse and "Paint" software... I still have them (her creations) somewhere in my files...
amice, nici nu-ti dai seama ce mult imi plac tablourile tale... e atita melancolie in ele, atita (auto)ironie, atita suferintza, deci atita luciditate si, in consecintza, atita dragoste (precum spunea Camil Petrescu in a sa "Ultima noapte de dragoste,..."). Sa-ti dea Cel de Sus sanatate si viata cit mai lunga, caci, cu cit pictezi mai mult, cu atit o faci mai bine.
Cantueso, I forget to answer your "why I moderate" question... Simply because IF NOT all "anonimous" comments will be spamed (I already told you about some smart real spamers...) So I "moderate"...
Multam fain, Ovidiu, si sa dea Dumnezeu sa castigi la loto marele lot si sa ma faci pictor de curte...ca tare bine mi-ar prinde un Mecena... chiar si unul mai miculutz...
I was born with another name...not worse than any other, only more difficult to pronounce... So, when, in April 2002, I've become a full time visual artist, I've chose to re-name myself as Ion Vincent Danu. Ion, that's my middle name, my father's name also... short, not bad (since GM "Saturn" chose it too...), Vincent is an homage to Vincent Van Gogh and DANU because, apart from being my nickname (some of my family used to call me that, it's a diminutive for "Dan") but also it's a kind of YANG-YIN thing, it means, in Romanian, YES-NO. And it sounds good, I think... Japanese painters
did rename themselves each time they thought they entered a new creative phase... not a bad thing to do.
This is very pretty and suggestive, Danu. What beautiful colors! And that girl drawing on the left is so good it's a pity we can't see more of her. Bravo!
Thanks, G! Some day, when the model will be a bore I will draw the portrets of the sketchers!
Though I do not understand what you mean, it seems you don't like ballet postures. And should that then be visible in that sketch? Should I perceive the hostility?
I can never see a thing. I thought that one of these days I ought to send you a donkey that I have drawn, but first I would have to ask you to try and imagine what a donkey drawn by me would look like.
It was when I had my first computer and discovered that on "Paint" you could draw with the mouse of the computer. So I did a donkey. Try to imagine it, and when you have finished imagining it, tell me. Then I'll send you the oeuvre itself.
(Why do you enable comment moderation? Do you think somebody is going to bitch at you?)
A, when I said "hostile" environment (or something like that) I was refering mainly at the fact that I had no control over the postures and that kind of got on my nerves...) I was reacting at what I've perceived as artificial, affectée, excessively
"posed" of the model...
I think I can imagine what your donkey looks like...My daughter, when she was 7-8, played also with the mouse and "Paint" software... I still have them (her creations) somewhere in my files...
amice, nici nu-ti dai seama ce mult imi plac tablourile tale... e atita melancolie in ele, atita (auto)ironie, atita suferintza, deci atita luciditate si, in consecintza, atita dragoste (precum spunea Camil Petrescu in a sa "Ultima noapte de dragoste,...").
Sa-ti dea Cel de Sus sanatate si viata cit mai lunga, caci, cu cit pictezi mai mult, cu atit o faci mai bine.
Cantueso, I forget to answer your "why I moderate" question... Simply because IF NOT all "anonimous" comments will be spamed (I already told you about some smart real spamers...) So I "moderate"...
Multam fain, Ovidiu, si sa dea Dumnezeu sa castigi la loto marele lot si sa ma faci pictor de curte...ca tare bine mi-ar prinde un Mecena... chiar si unul mai miculutz...
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