I suppose that everyone has his nostalgia (usually it is more than one...) One of mine is the nostalgia of my children, when they were still children... Less than 8-9 years old... Especially, I have the nostalgia of my daughter when she was 6-7 years old. Very sweet, still willing to pose for me, sometimes (at least for photos) and still unshamed that I am not either rich nor famous... In fact, I do not know (nor have I the courage to ask) what she thinks (or feels) right now. She is a young woman, living her life apart, with very very few threads of contact with me or her mother... I wish I could help her more, I wish I could protect her from the harshness and dangers of life. But I can't... So, every time I draw a little girl of 7-8-9 years old, I think of her... How she was. How she changed... How we all changed (for some of us means growing up, for some other growing down... (Not sure that the expression exists but it's relevant.) This is just a pencil drawing of a beautiful young girl, with that grace and beauty my daughter had also...
You're going to make us all start bawling if you go on like that, Danu.
I don't have any deep fountain, G, to pour out my sincere but - oh, how common! - feelings... One of those "passages"in life, how do they call it? "Empty nest syndrome"?
The drawing is so sweet, and the comments are making me all teary-eyed. What beautiful thoughts.
My comments haven't been coming through on here for some reason- I hope this one makes it.
Technical thing... For a couple of days all the comments went to spam (before I understood their route...) because I've spamed some clever and devious messages... They were apparently very nice, enthusiatisc comments but when you clicked on the author,s link you felt on sites telling you how to enlarge your penis or how to buy Viagra. For a price, of course...
I'm afraid I have a penchant (can you say that in English?) for melodrama... Still suffering because my children grew up...Stupid, eh?
No, this is not called melodrama, which according to my little dictionary is "comedy in which action is more salient than characterization".
I have just been at Mme Monet's place, and on the upper right hand corner she has a little map, in fact an ad, showing where her visitors came from. I thought this was not permitted in Wordpress.
Do you know?
Not stupid at all. I will always suffer because my kids are gone-- I was so unprepared for how it would feel. I now realize that whoever wrote, "'Tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all" was talking about their children!
(Aren't spammers a pain?)
To cantueso: Yes, my dictionnary says the same thing but I kind of (this "kind of" seems to be another pattern I have...) personalized the sense of it... For me, "melodrama" is something very close to tragedy - an work of art using powerful, primary emotions and feelings:love, hate, blood connections, revenge, etc. Of course, most of the usual melodramas are kitsch... but when they transcend the "extravagant theatricality" by art and esquisite artistry they become real tragedies... real works of art... Why do you think soap operas and others such series are so much enjoyed by people? Because they deal with essential things, essentials feelings, essentials emotions... Take a good melodrama, give it superb actors and a genius writer and you got Shakespeare...
Yes, I also know you cannot use sitemeter (for instance) on wordpress...some incompatibilities...
To moonbeam: I think whoever sayed that was right... Just that, sometimes, you feel that the pain and anguish overweight in the balance...but then, everything is already done and you cannot undone it... and young people won't believe you, they have to do themselves the experience... I suppose it's the way our specie prosper and multiply? Really, I'm not sure if, cold headed and balancing everything, I would re-done it...But then I'm not cold headed...
Nope, you don't seem to be cold-headed (or cold-hearted) at all.
By the way, I use sitemeter on WordPress and it works just fine. I think it's permissible to use maps as well.
I've tried once with sitemeter and I couldn't manage to fit the html - or Jawa? script in the right place... It didn't work... But I use blog stats to get an idea of the traffic, the people the search words etc. Get even more used to that that to sitemeter (which just ended 30 or 60 ? days after I star to use it... Definetely, the IT world stays a mystery for me...
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