The painting is that of a Church & Fortress (as it were during Middle Ages) from Biertan, in the historical region of Romania called Transylvania (yes, THAT Transylvania!)
I'm a native of Sibiu, a very old city were the actual Draculya (Vlad Tepesh) actually lived for 2 years with his new bride Illona, the sister of Matias King of Hungary... Some years before he did even burn down some ourskirts of Sibiu and killed some Saxons merchants who did not obeyed his rule...But that's history...

This is a small (about 8 by 4 inches) acrylic ink and watercolor painting. You can have it for the enormous sum of CA$ 60 ...
Mai Dane, mai stii cand am fost împreuna la Biertan? Am filmat o gramada acolo si era foarte fain, împrejurimile si drumul pâna acolo... Eu sunt în Australia (nu zic unde, stii tu de ce...) si desi nu-s bogat, n-o duc rau.
Poate c-o sa te mai vizitez...mare inventzie Internetul asta...
Wow! wow!! Anicule, baiete, ce mai faci? Demult nu mai credeam sa aud de la tine! Ba chiar m-am apucat sa scriu un roman (!) în care personajul principal seamana un pic SI cu tine si se numeste Yannick... sper ca nu te superi...
Ma bucur ca esti bine, man! australia! cam departe, eh? Oricum, ma bucur ca m-ai vizitat si sper s-o mai faci... Tu mai desenezi? mai pictezi?
As one who knows quite well Transylvania, and Biertan especially (since I live there) I can say that you've "catched" the atmosphere of the citadel-church. Not, bad at all...
E. van Ictterbeck
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