Sunday, September 16, 2007


I still have some work to do before I finish my current painting, a landscape... so, I choose another portrait for you. No joke. A very serious fellow, a québecois born from ex-yugoslave parents... There is a large ex-yougoslave minority, here, in Sherbrooke. The French called them "yougoslaves" but they are a very complex lot: Serbs and Croats, Bosniac Muslims, and so on and so forth... A melting pot in a melting pot... Out there, in the war, they used to hate their guts. Here, they succed to live peacefully. What's in their soul only God knows...
I paint this last year and I don't have the painting anymore (but as a shrewd guy, I took a photo of's my usual 9"x12" acrylic & watercolor on Strthmore paper)
So, you can put your checkbooks aside...for now...


anagasto said...

I'm glad you took that photo of this portrait and so now we can all see it. It is really good. Those eyes, the thoughtfulmness in the little kid, the economy of lines and colors.

Ion Vincent Danu said...

Yes, D, he is a very handsome young man, very serious too. Maybe I succeded to catch something of that...