Wednesday, September 19, 2007

May in September...

Even if these days were beautiful late summer days - probably not many left - the title is referring to something more simpler...

This beautiful young lady is May (or Mai)...

I've painted her on a 9" x 12" Strathmore watercolor paper, with acrylic ink and watercolors... And since today was a special day (I've received a grant from the big city of Sherbrooke exactly for a project of mine - already started - called "People of Sherbrooke") and May a very nice young lady (I reapeat it but she really was nice, twice as the usual) I gave her the "masterpiece"...


Anonymous said...

It is a masterpiece, Danu--it is right up there with your best. The colors, the wonderful thoughtfulness of May, the atmosphere with the lake and the picnic table. I give it a ten.

anagasto said...

I am not cantueso, Danu, but for some reason Wordpress doesn't put in 100swallows' messages. This is my third try.
This is a masterpiece, all right. It is right up there with your best. The thoughtfulness in May, the pretty colors, the atmosphere of the lake and picnic table--it gets a ten. I bet May is happy with it. If she's not, I'll buy it from her.

Ion Vincent Danu said...

I like it too, Gene, but you are too generous... and yes, wordpress does things like that (it's the reason I did this blog on blogspot... It's simpler, more user friendly... Not that wordpress is bad...Anyway, thanks a lot, again.

Ion Vincent Danu said...

What does cantueso means?

Anonymous said...

Cantueso is Gerald's blog ..... it's kind of sui generis

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on that grant from the city of Sherbrooke! Are you going to paint the Mayor's portrait?

Ion Vincent Danu said...

I wish!!! No, he wants probably anything else but my caricatures... And I can be gentle but I don't know to lie with a brush...