Monday, October 15, 2007

The mean me...

I did not post a lot of drawings here... caricatures even less. This is a rapid sketch taken at a show I've participated. A show for artists 50 years old & +, in the basement of Sherbrooke Cathedral. It was the last day of the show & I was cranky since I hadn't sold a thing, not even to cover the registration fee (and there were some nice paintings there)! I kind of resented all the friends and relatives of some other painters who did go straight for their relatives paintings without even taking a look at my stuff... So I took revenge in drawing their wrinkled asses (sorry!) It didn't help much, but still... I could gather my unsold paintings with resignation... Van Gogh himself didn't sell much either, eh?


Anonymous said...

Ha! I love your art therapy!

Ion Vincent Danu said...

When you are not rich, not young, not too healty...what can you do better? You use what's at hand, what you know to do... The writing for you, the drawing and painting for me... I've cited Graham Greene (the British writer not the canadian actor...) in one on my first post on "Danu's Small World" exactly with this idea of "art therapy"...

Anonymous said...

garda trece in rezerva, da' nu se preda, neam !

Miki said...

Well done, beautiful funny caricatures. I have myself a certain taste for caricaturing funny asses, but I always keep them for myself, I don´t want to be killed! People have generally no humour for it, at least the caricatured ones!
I deeply understand your frustration though... I use to make many exhibitions, and the ignorance of some people is sometimes very depressing... What motivates them to buy a painting has in 99% of the cases nothing to do with quality, or emotions...

Ion Vincent Danu said...

In 7-8 years since I'm a painter full time, I've met maybe 5-6 people who bought my paintings simply because they liked them... what you call REAL amateurs. Those who have a lot of money usually "invests" it only through galleries or merchant's advice... I don't say there aren't some exception but very rare... Thanks a lot for your good words.

Ion Vincent Danu said...

Wrinkled it is! Thank you, wr jones!